“There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, and nothing hidden that will not be made known.”

Investigative Services

Due Diligence

Uncover hidden relationships, assets, liabilities, and criminal records.

People Locate

Missing persons, dead-beat dads, skip trace, cyber-stalkers and fugitives. 

Digital Forensics

Computer/mobile forensics, network/server intrusion, deleted files and deleted internet search history.


Employee theft, infidelity, digital surveillance, unknown associates, track movements of your teens, elderly abuse,  and disability fraud.

Child Custody

Child neglect, substance abuse, parental social habits and child safety.

Counter Surveillance

Stalkers, business competitors, divorce proceedings, and abusive spouses. 

We use techniques from advancing technologies and open source intelligence

Whether tracking down fugitives or cheating spouses, we have specialized techniques to discover the truth about any situation.

Allow our detectives uncover the truth

Contact Us

Choose one of the following options to reach one of our detectives.

2500 S. 5th Ave #105 Pocatello, Idaho 83204